Finished Watercolour Birds of a Feather

All finished! I didn’t add drips to this one. Maybe if the scale had been bigger (this is only 16×12 inches) I would have added them. It’s all framed a looking pretty now but what do you guys think? 🙂

Where do you think I should go from here?


Finished: Feathers

Finished: Feathers

One problem when being an artist is knowing when to stop.
Should I have stopped before adding the splatter? Should I have added more?
I feel fairly happy with it. What do you guys think?

I may do more with a different colours and compositions. It can be my ‘Fly Away Collection’ 🙂


Door Samples

Door Samples

I was thinking about starting a collection or having a theme for a while.
The doors seem popular and I wondered why…
Doors represent opportunity and the start of something new or the beginning of a journey.
Considering what is going on in my personal life this seems rather fitting 🙂
So what do you think?
As you can see from the picture above, I have plenty of designs to chose from.
Do I make 10? 20? 50? What should my aim be? Is it even a good idea?


What a Pair

What a Pair

I’ve been asked if I could do another painting to match the previous venetian door I had done before… for the next day. NO PRESSURE O_O”
This is my first stage and I can already tell it won’t be as good as the previous one. I’ve basically just mirrored what I did before and tried to use different colours. Not too different that they don’t match but enough to know they are not the same door.
Oh well, onwards and upwards!