‘Diamond in the Rough’: Finished

InstagramCapture_0edcc0d6-d93b-4464-8c43-43d39ff219de_jpgDetails on! I like the concept but overall… I don’t really like it :/ It needs something a little more but I can’t quite point out exactly what that is. I guess I shall have to keep exploring and find out πŸ™‚

Will have to play around some more but it looks like I have some commissions I need to create first πŸ˜›

‘Diamond in the Rough’ Work in Progress 1


Hey all πŸ™‚ Trying a new white out shape this time – can you see it? πŸ˜€ I wasn’t sure at this stage whether or not you would even see it at the end – shall have to see how this goes…

In other news I’ve met a new blog milestone – 200 followers!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

Thank you very much for following my ramblings you lovely bunch ^^) xx

Virus: Work in progress 2


This till needs a little summin’ summin’ so I shall add some more details and shading to improve. If this was a painting I’d splatter the crap out of it πŸ˜€

I’m currently writing up my ‘Cease and Desist’ email to the website plagiarising my work (finally) so hopefully I shall have it sent by the end of the day.

Virus: Work In Progress


Trying out a new idea of whiting out an image within my swirling madness πŸ™‚ Β I’ve started off with just some simple circles and will see what the effect will be.

Will keep you posted.

As for the plagiarism (on my previous post) I have yet to contact the website. My computer access has been limited. Will keep you updated!