Chimney / Health Update


Pretty self explanatory this one 🙂

How many drawings do you need in order for it to be classed as a collection? These drawings have worked well in satisfying my creative itch while living at home, but I really need to get painting again… the lack of expression through colour is kinda dull.

Regarding Health Issues – MRI results are in:

I have swelling on the left side of my cerebellum but apart from that I have a perfectly normal, functioning brain. Unfortunately, because I had the scan rescheduled twice because the machine kept breaking – 7 weeks post-seizure means you’re unlikely to find signs of a seizure. Got to love the British National Health System…

So! Despite tests I’m back to square one; I still do not know what part of the brain my seizures are coming from and what could be triggering them. My best hope it that I have another severe seizure where I lose function in my legs and then get an MRI within the week.

As for the existing swelling, apparently it is not the cause of my seizures. They could give me antibiotics for it but it’s more than likely just going to come back. Since I’m functioning perfectly fine I thought I’d pass on the pills.

Feels like a massive waste of time to be honest. So now I’m waiting to see my neurologist, which I could have to wait up to 6 months for. Yay.